____ _ _ _
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| __/\__ \ |_| | (__| | | | (_) | |_) | |_| | | | __/ |_| | (__
|_| |___/\__, |\___|_| |_|\___/| .__/ \__, |_| \___|\__|_|\___|
|___/ |_| |___/
Psychopyretic is a platform/puzzle game in which you play a person who has the
power to cause explosions with his mind.
To move, use the left and right arrow keys. To jump, use the up key. Your
current pyschopyretic power is represented by the circle in the upper right
of the screen; the redder it is, the more power you have. When it is bright
red (full power), you can damage a crate by clicking on it. This will drop
the power to zero (black). If you attack an already damaged crate, it is
Psychopyretic requires Allegro (written under 4.2.2, should work with any
later version, maybe with older ones) along with loadpng and its dependencies,
libpng and libz. Once you have all the libraries installed, simply type "make" at the
command line. This should compile the main executable for whatever (Unixlike)
system you have. It has not been tested under Windows, and is probably
not portable.
I got some of the graphics from the Allegro graphics depot. Specifically, the
player image is from Elverion, and the explosions are from Andy Clifton. The
background is from http://www.molotov.nu/?page=graphics. The other images (crate
and platforms) are by me.
Psychopyretic is licenced under the MIT license, available in the file LICENSE or
on the web at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.